After TechCamp, we will continue improving the codebase of Rfx framework.
To make it simple as possible require time and energy, keep calm :)
The task list before alpha 0.1 release:
The roadmap for Rfx 1.0 - a Reactive Big Data Framework
Reactive Functor Framework / Platform (aka: Rfx)
Goals (RFVA):
Support RQL (Reactive Query Language)
Some examples:
subscribe * from Article where title contains ['Flappy Bird'] and facebook's stats (like + share + comment) > 1000
subscribe * from my Facebook’s Feeds where my facebook’s friends shared and domain contains [‘’] or title contains [‘caffee’]
subscribe * from Article where i could like and category in [‘big data’, ‘computer’,’mobile’]
subscribe * from my Facebook’s Feeds where my facebook’s friends shared and title contains ‘Fast and furious’
subscribe, visualize places from my Facebook’s Feeds where i and my wife took photos
Targeting to:
Big Data Developers
Data Scientists
Data Analysts (e.g: marketer , solve marketing problems in real-time )
All users, who want to play with stream data
Problems & Domains:
Stream processing, in 3Vs of Big data, we will solve {Velocity and Volume} problems
Social Media Research (Facebook Graph + News) for data-driven marketing
Humanity issues (data science)
Social Science (Classical Statistics with stream data from news, social data)
Real-time Data-Driven Business
- Time series data visualization